Love Vintage Show

This is a bit late because I have been surprisingly busy and social lately – shock horror!

Love Vintage Show Tickets


First up a huge thanks to Teresa from Bess Georgette who won tickets from Nora from Nora Finds and gifted them to me. Much love to you both gorgeous things!

On Friday May 17th I got all dolled up and headed to the Love Vintage Show to meet Jacninta (Razzle Dazzle Rose Blog and Betty & Ginger Lingerie – stay tuned…vintage lingerie bricks & mortar store opening soon!) and represent the Melbourne Vintage Society.

I set my hair two days before, as my sets are always better on the second day (was less frizz) and spent the afternoon all a flutter with lipstick and hairspray and the girdle dance (where you wiggle and jump around like a loon while trying to get your girdle in the right spot). 

Miss Fairchild Slip

Miss Fairchild showing a bit of slip….

Miss Fairchild Stockings

Miss Fairchild deciding the slip wasn’t enough. She had to flash all of Williams Landing Station to take a photo of her beloved Gio Fully Fashioned Nylon stockings held up by my trusty 6 Strap Rago #1359 girdle 

Miss Fairchild Shoes


Miss Fairchild’s adorable “Rum” ballet flats from Wittner (I only wear flats)

Miss Fairchild Handbag and gloves


Miss Fairchild’s vintage white Spilene Bag (I have three identical in different colours) and sage green vintage gloves

Miss Fairchild hat 2


Gorgeous vintage peach/pink satin hat with feathers and veil *I die*

Miss Fairchild hat


The gorgeous hat from behind

Once I was sufficiently froufroued up I headed off….

Miss Fairchild Headscarf

Miss Fairchild insisting to the internet (instagram) she looks like an old grandma in a headscarf

but not before securing my hair and VERY DELICATE hat with a scarf

Miss Fairchild Headscarf 2


Loving this veil and the B Collection Brow Box matches my hair so well (it’s not actually red powder, it’s pale brown…but match!)

When I got to the city early I decided to wait for the old city circle train and ride to the show in style. The city circle tram is a free Melbourne tourist tram that circles round the city. They are beautiful trams. 

City Circle tram 2

“The City Circle route is serviced by heritage W Class trams liveried in special maroon and green with yellow and gold trimmings”

City Circle Tram


“W class trams are family of electric trams built by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board between 1923 and 1956”

After I got of the tram and finally found my way across the road I walked up the beautiful tree lined path in Cartlon Gardens to my favourite building in Melbourne, The Royal Exhibition Building.

Love Vintage Royal Exhibition Building 2


The Royal Exhibition Building was completed in 1880 Melbourne’s first international exhibition – It is just STUNNING!

I met up with the delightful Jacinta out the front and we headed in. 

Love Vintage Royal Exhibition Building

I will try to go back one day when it isn’t being used for a show and get some photos of inside. It is just so beautiful! 

We wandered around for a bit and jumped in the photobooth the first chance we got….

Miss Fairchild and Jacinta

Unfortunately I see a camera and freak out so I just attempted to copy whatever Jacinta did….

Then Jacinta headed off to be judge of the best dressed competition….somehow I got roped in. Even though I had a judge in the bag I knew there was no hope, while of course I looked FAB-U-OUS there was stiff competition. 

Miss Fairchild Best Dressed

Photo Courtesy of the delightful Claire from Tunabake, as while I am pretty gosh darn talented, I can not be in two places at once.

No those aren’t flowers of congratulations before my crown was handed to me, I just happened to have them with me. I honestly can’t remember being on stage. I remember being told I was next in line and freaking the fuck out (pardon my French  and remembering I hate crowds, let alone being on stage in front of a crowd. Next thing I remember was being back stage again. Jacinta and Claire were really nice about it, but I have to wonder what I actually did out there. Also…I only just now realised how much of my slip was showing…no wonder I lost! Terribly unladylike of me. 

Love Vintage Best Dressed


Another photo Courtesy of Claire from Tunabake – see how gorgeous everyone was!

Love Vintage Best Dressed 2


This little one stole the crowds hearts – the kids best dressed was the most adorable thing ever!

My only disappointment was the number of reproduction pieces in the competition. I would have liked to see two categorys  – vintage and repro. Not that I would have fitted in either category (dress, hat, gloves, bag, glasses vintage – everything else modern)…

After that was done and dusted we did some more perusing. I probably only got about 1/4 of the way through before I stumbled across Catherine of Audrey Scarlett Vintage. The delightful Catherine stocks real vintage up to a size 26. That’s how she first won me over. I mentioned I was in the market for a coat that would fit my shoulders as well as my megaboobs. At that point we may have gotten into a heated debated about how big my bust really was. She was not believing that I am currently 47in…but sure enough she measured. She couldn’t believe it as she was convinced her bust was bigger….it wasn’t. We are both 47in. MEGABOOBS!

Missf Firchild and Catherine of Audrey Scarlett Vintage 2


It shall go down in history as the Great Boob Off of 2013 – Another Photo Courtesy of Claire from Tunabake

Miss Fairchild and Catherine of Audrey Scarlett Vintage


The MEGABOOB Twins – Photo Courtesy of Claire from Tunabake

After the official measurements were complete it was time to find some coats. I tried on a few things and most of them fit, but they weren’t *it*. Then she whipped out this amazing (Made in Melbourne) 60’s wool houndstooth coat and that was it. I was in love. I took it over to the mirror slowly as I was so worried it wouldn’t fit. It was PERFECT. PERFECT!!!!

Miss Fairchild Audrey Scarlett Coat


Taken more recently, a full length shot….isn’t she beautiful!!!! Best coat in the world. 

60s Coat Audrey Scarlett Vintage


Black, cream and maroon houndstooth wool…with beautiful rich red berry coloured lining

60s coat Audrey Scarlett Vintage 2

Apparently it’s shower proof….and even though the smart ass in me wants to take it in the shower, I won’t because it’s MY PRECIOUS!

Cathering also found me a beautiful evening swing coat – black with 3/4 sleeves and a fur collar…

Black Coat Audrey Scarlett Vintage


Single button at the top and beautiful detail underneath. I LOOOOVE it. 

The last thing I bought before calling it quits, as I already have a very large payment plan with Miss Catherine, was this green feathered hat

Feather Hat Audrey Scarlett Vintage


Looking Good Celeste! 

I am actually not a bit fan of feathered hats….but this green, and my hair, and it goes with my beautiful green cocktail dress (Seen HERE). It is in pristine condition. So beautiful. 

After that I literally had one dollar left so thought it was time to call it quits. I didn’t even finish looking around. I said goodbye to Claire & Jacinta before seeing Marianne from Esme & the Laneway, her fiancée John and Trish from Trish Hunter Finds. I said a quick happy birthday to Trish, rambled on at John about the Melbourne Registry Office and then headed home. 

All in all it was fabulous. Next time I really need to save up and go back on some of the other days. There is just so much to look at and buy and I had so much fun with my vintage loving friends. It was awesome. 

Anyone else go? 

Miss Fairchild xoxo

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23 Responses to Love Vintage Show

  1. Anna says:

    Looks like a very fun day! Love that new coat – it’s one of those lucky pieces that looks chic and pairs with just about anything.

  2. veganopoulous says:

    You look fab 😀 I wish I could have gone. Stupid cold! Staying home was the wisest choice though as I was confined to the bathroom 😦 Can’t wait to see your purchases!

  3. I went and I spent $$$. I picked up 1 repro dress, 2 amazing beautiful vintage 1950’s beaded cardigans one black and one pale blue both lined & just so detailed with the bead work. Then I had a measly $100 left..hmm…what to buy?, what to buy?. I decided either a coat or swing skirt.

    I tried on a coat that I saw for $90 black with a real fur collar but alas the arms were waaaaay to short for me. NEXT!!. I stumbled on to Fossil Vintage and managed to find 4…yes FOUR swing skirts @ $25 each. I bought them all and left a very happy lady.

    Oh and I ended up finding the most amazing black alpaca swing coat for $75 in Tyabb on the weekend! WINNER!!

  4. Harlow says:

    That coat is so beautiful, I keep forgetting that some parts of Australia actually do get winter 😛 Also can I just say that you look really good in a headscarf? Not like a grandma at all! Me on the other hand, I’ve been wearing mine when I go out in the rain and I look like a total dork 😛

    • Yup – it gets pretty frosty here. I keep being told wool coats are too warm for Melbourne, but it rarely gets above 14 degrees in winter and I am a frog…I get cold so easily.

      Awwww – thanks. I love my head scarves, but I feel like a dork and I am not nearly as gorgeous as you. I am hoping to buy some rain bonnets soon which are basically plastic head scarves. I have seen some very cool vintage ones on Etsy.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Obviously I need to move to Melbourne, all the cool stuff is there!

  6. Miss Meadows says:

    You’re right, you did look fabulous at that competition. Love your outfit, and there really should have been one repro, and one TRUE vintage category! 🙂 Showing some slip never killed anyone by the way. Quite the opposite my dear… 😉 xx

  7. Teresa says:

    I wish I could’ve gone with you to the show but I’m so glad you had an amazing time. You looked fabulous and I agree with you. There definitely should be two categories for best dressed. Vintage and Reproduction. xo

  8. Kim Campbell says:

    You have such a beautiful smile!!! You looked fabulous. Your purchases are awesome. I cannot WAIT to see you in your green cocktail dress and that HAT! OMG! I would love to find a place in the states that sells such a selection of sizes. What a fun day!

    • awwww you’re a sweetie! You should try talking to Catharine from Audrey Scarlett – she doesn’t list online, but she has tonnes and tonnes of stuff. If you contacted her with your measurements and an idea of what you want I am sure she would be able to help you and post you stuff.

  9. Beth Muir says:

    Ah sooo much Pretty vintage Dames! And Click following the link to Audrey Scarlett.

    One of the things I find most often with customers in my store is the quick ‘oh you’ll have nothing my size’ even though i hasve s fair bit of bigger vintage. Not as far as a 26, but sz 20. I find it sad that women are so used to NOT being catered for that they are unwilling to look even when i tell them I have many items.

    The other one i get is “but i want THAT *points to prom dress in a size 6*” but they are unwilling to try on the bigger prom dress because its not as pretty on the hanger. Ofcourse miniature items are cuter with nothing behind them, bigger sized clothes need bodies and curves to reveal how hot they really are.

    Some women are ready to give up unless you pull out something that fits them perfectly the first time, and I find often VERY unwilling to try clothes on! It frustrates me because I know they can look amazing in some of our dresses, but theres no convincing someone who is defeated to begin with.

    Anyway, thats my little observation. (I’m a size 12/14 31 inch waist and if buying off ebay often have to click size XL! can you believe it?) I try on hundreds and hundreds of dresses that don’t fit to find the one that does, as does every size 6, and I’m sure every size 20. Its the charm of vintage shopping.

    • I totally agree with everything you said. I am actually going to be doing some posts on plus sized vintage soon. For so long I only wore vintage accessories as I really was convinced everything was tiny. But sure enough I wear vintage head to toe most days now and I am an Australian size 18. I might have to email you about the plus size vintage….I think you could help me out!

  10. You look fabulous – with a capital FAB, my dear! Love the whole ensemble, very much including those great verdant gloves. Ohhhh, and that headscarf doesn’t look grandma-ish on you in the slightest. Actually, I’d argue that quite the opposite is true, it’s really youthful on you and very, very becoming.

    ♥ Jessica

  11. nessbow says:

    That hat! I’m in love!

  12. rocknroam says:

    Great post! Wish I could take a trip there!

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